Adri has this super classic look, deep dark eyes what makes him timeless
Adri has this super classic look, deep dark eyes what makes him timeless
Adore, love and respect someone deeply
Sailor boys, one that engages
Mysterious boy, gazing to you
When you dance your body releases endorphins. This is a chemical that trigger’s positive energy and good vibes! It helps improve our emotional state and reduce our perception of pain. So basically, dancing is your cure for happiness!
Flow, I was deriving a sensible name for this art series, respecting the colors and actual flow I could create in this triplet.
Walk in the park, with a beautiful autumn colors, enjoying the scenery of all greens, yellows, red and a bit of blue
My ChouChou, just lovely these French names
Trust was the overall feeling when this man stood in front of my camera, having all over relaxed feeling, that emphasised his trust
Desert, almost deserted, a male landscape, but not desolate, the tender glows, gives you a warm feeling inside