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In the quiet space between presence and absence, Drift emerges—a figure suspended in motion, caught between the tangible and the intangible. The body, rendered in soft pink hues, stands in stark contrast against the deep, textured darkness that threatens to pull it away. There is movement here, yet also stillness—a fleeting moment where the subject seems both stepping forward and dissolving into the unknown.

This work began as something else, a different vision, but like its subject, it evolved, guided by shifting moods and an unspoken dialogue between light and shadow. The interplay of pink, black, and white evokes a sense of vulnerability and strength, a delicate balance between exposure and concealment. Is the figure emerging from the abyss or surrendering to it? That remains uncertain, just as we often find ourselves drifting between certainty and change.

Drift is an exploration of transition, a meditation on the spaces we inhabit for only a moment before they slip away. It invites the viewer to pause and reflect—on movement, on impermanence, on the beauty of letting go.


Boy between states
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